Children's Law Reform Act forms
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Form Number | Form Title | Version Date | Effective Date | HTML/PDF Form | MS Word Form |
- | Declaration Affirming Parentage under section 12(1) of the Children's Law Reform Act | Dec. 1, 2009 | Dec. 1, 2009 | clr-001-e.pdf | declaration-affirming-parentage-dec09-en-fil.doc |
- | Joint Declaration Affirming Parentage under section 12(1) of the Children's Law Reform Act | Dec. 1, 2009 | Dec. 1, 2009 | clr-002-e.pdf | joint-declaration-affirming-parentage-dec09-en-fil.doc |
- | Statement of Finding of Parentage | Dec. 1, 2009 | Dec. 1, 2009 | clr-003-e.pdf | statement-of-finding-of-parentage-dec09-en-fil.doc |
- | CLRA s. 30 Endorsement Sheet | Feb. 1, 2016 | Feb. 1, 2016 | flr-clra-30-e.pdf | flr-a-9d-clra30-feb16-en-fil.doc |
- | Notice of Reclocation Form - Person with a Parenting Order | Feb. 1, 2021 | March 1, 2021 |
NA |
clra-notice-of-relocation-feb2021-en.doc |
- | Notice of Change in Place of Residence Form - Person with Contact | Feb. 1, 2021 | March 1, 2021 |
NA |
clra-notice-of-change-in-residence-of-person-with-contact-feb2021-en.doc |