Form 55C

Courts of Justice Act

REPORT on reference (administration of estate)

(General heading)

REPORT on reference

In accordance with the order directing a reference dated (date), I have disposed of the matters referred to me, and I report as follows:

1.     The following parties were served with the order directing a reference and a notice of hearing for directions:  (Set out names).  (Where applicable, add:  Service on the following parties was dispensed with:  (Set out names and the reason for dispensing with service).)  The following parties were added on the reference and were served with a notice to party added on reference:  (Set out names).

2.     The following parties did not attend on the reference:  (Set out names).

3.     The personal estate not specifically bequeathed by the testator received by the executors and for which they are chargeable amounts to $........................., and they have paid or are entitled to be allowed the sum of $........................., leaving a balance due from (or to) them of $......................... (or, where applicable:  No personal estate has been received by the executors, nor are they chargeable with any.)

4.     The creditors’ claims received in response to the advertisement for creditors and which I have allowed are set out in Schedule A and amount altogether to $......................... (or, where applicable:  No creditor has sent in a claim in response to the advertisement for creditors, nor has any such claim been proved before me.)

5.     The funeral expenses of the testator amounting to $......................... have been paid by the executors and are allowed to them in the account of personal estate.

6.     The legacies given by the testator are set out in Schedule B, and with the interest therein mentioned, remain due to the persons named (or as the case may be).

7.     The personal estate of the testator outstanding or undisposed of is set out in Schedule C.

8.     The real estate owned by the testator and the encumbrances affecting it are set out in Schedule D.

9.     The rents and profits of the testator’s real estate received by the executors and for which they are chargeable amount to $......................... and they have paid or are entitled to be allowed the sum of $........................., leaving a balance due from (or to) them of $......................... (or, where applicable:  No rents and profits have been received by the executors, nor are they chargeable with any).

10.    I have allowed the executors the sum of $......................... as compensation for their services in the management of the estate.

11.    I have caused the real estate, other than (identify property), which has specifically devised, to be sold and the purchasers have paid their purchase money into court.

12.    In Schedule E, I have shown how the money in court is to be dealt with.


(Signature of referee)

(All schedules should be as brief as possible.  Only the general character of the things described should be shown.  Land should be described without setting out a full legal description.)

(In Schedule C, the personal estate not specifically bequeathed should be set out separately from the other personal property outstanding or undisposed of.  Where there is no specific bequest, the report should state that fact.)

RCP-E 55C (November 1, 2005)