Form 64L

Courts of Justice Act

final order for sale

(Court file no.)


(Name of judge or officer)                                                                                                                                                        (Day and date)

(Court Seal)

(Title of proceeding)

final order for sale

THIS MOTION made by the plaintiff, without notice, was heard this day.

ON READING the judgment in this action dated (date), and the report in this action dated (date) and confirmed on (date), with proof of service, the certificate of the (title) of the (financial institution) at (place), with affidavit of execution, and the affidavit of the plaintiff, and on hearing the submissions of counsel for the plaintiff, and since the defendant(s) entitled to redeem has (have) not redeemed the mortgaged property,

1.     IT IS ORDERED that the mortgaged property described in the attached schedule be sold forthwith as directed by the judgment in this action under the direction of the master (or as may be) at (place).

(Where appropriate, add:)

2.     IT IS ORDERED that the right, title and equity of redemption of the defendants (names of subsequent encumbrancers who failed to attend and prove a claim on the reference) to and in the mortgaged property described in the attached schedule are foreclosed.

(Signature of judge, master or registrar)

(The description of the mortgaged property in the attached schedule must be the same as in the statement of claim.)

RCP-E 64L (November 1, 2005)